B. inggris The water vapour rises in the air. Higher up in the air, where it is cooler, the water vapour loses heat and cools down. This causes the water vapour to condense and from tiny water droplets. Is called process of condensation in the water sycle reynacronaulv – June 10, 2023
B. inggris Ada yang bisa bantu jawab? Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with the words provided insidethe bracket reynacronaulv – April 02, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama tolong membantu pelajaran bahasa Inggris reynacronaulv – March 20, 2023
B. inggris NOTE=kira kira berapa ya, jangan ngasal ya, kasih penjelasannya ya please reynacronaulv – March 18, 2023